Last Edition: August 4, 2024 |
Dr M.Sc. Miroslav Alexandrov YORDANOV |

Mining Engineer Geologist & Marine Geologist |
Independent Mineral Property Valuations/Appraisals |
President of the GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group |
Expert Testimony Witness on Auduting and Appraising of Raw Materials and Mineral Resources at the Sofia Town Court - ## 534
Expert on Local Economic Development (LED) Strategic Planning and Sustainable Community Development
Member of the Expert Group on Resource Classification (EGRC) at the UNITED NATIONS, Geneva, Switzerland
Member of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (GERE) at the UNITED NATIONS, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr Yordanov completed the degrees of Master of Science (M.Sc.) as Mining Engineer Geologist & Marine
Geologist with an Honour Diploma (with
an excellent academic results - first in the class) at the
Saint Petersburg State
Mining Institute (Technical University),
RUSSIA in 1983.
He has defended his Ph.D.
thesis "Quantitative Biostratigraphical Correlation Based
on Fossil Megaflora from Macedonian formation of Dobroudja Coal
Deposit - NE BULGARIA"
in 1993 on Mathematical
Modelling and Application of the Mathematics in
Geology (Code No 01.01.13).
In 1994-1995 he gained the CFSG postgraduate diploma in Advanced Geostatisics at the Centre
de Geostatistique, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, (Paric Mine Tech) Fontainebleau, FRANCE, and went on to specialize in Mineral Resource Evaluation & Mining Feasibility Studies at the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science,
Technology and Medicine,
London, UK in 1996.
Professional Experience
1983 he worked as an Expert, Senior
Geologist and Chief Geologist, and Expert at the Research Institute
of Mineral Deposits, Rare Metal Corp., and Geological Institute
of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and as an expert for the
Committee of Geology & Mineral Resources at the Council of Ministry of the Republic of BULGARIA, respectively.
Dr Yordansov is an
of more than 60 articles, one book, and original Reserves
Resources Classification for Solid Fuels and Mineral Commodities,
geological reports, articles, critical review, and practical
solutions in the area of Mathematical Methods in Sedimentology,
Biostratigraphical Correlation, and Geostatistics, Prospecting, Exploration, Geophysical Methods in Prospecting and Exploration, and Financial
Modeling (Cash Flow Analysis, including Discounted Cash Flow Analysis) and Risk Assessment and Management in Industry (Hedging), including Mining Indsutry.
Political Activities
In 2003 on the Elections for Local Authorities, Dr Yordanov was nominated by the "Citizen's Alliance for Renaissance and Dignity" for the Major of the 9-th biggest municipality in Bulgaria - Pazardjik .
Civil Status
Dr Yordanov is married to M.Sc. Larisa Georgievna GUR-YORDANOVA who holds Master of Science degree on Economy at the Saint Petersburg State Economy & Finance University.
They have three granddaughters and three grandson.
Their daughter - Anna-Maria Miroslavova YORDANOVA holds Master of Science degrees on Anthropology and Sociology at the Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 in Lyon, FRANCE, and defences here Ph.D. thesis on Amanagement et Urbanisme at the Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 in Lyon, FRANCE on September 12, 2022.
Their son George Miroslavov YORDANOV holds the Bachelor degrees in Geology both at the Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in Lyon, FRANCE, and the Universite de Quebec au Montreal (UQAM) in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, and Master of Science on Geology at the Universite de Quebec au Montreal (UQAM) in Montreal, Quebec, CANADA.
Professional Memberships
Dr M.Sc. Miroslav Alexandrov YORDANOV is
Hobbies and