G e o L a r i A n™ version
Program Package for |
Financial Pre-Feasibilty and Feasibility |
Feasibility studies |
and |
& Corporate Finance Management |
in the Mining
Industry |

ver. 7.0 is already here
To view
the GeoLariAn™ ver. 7.0 please look below!
"The technique and the software
used are up-to-date and sophisticated, reflecting
current applications in the international
mining industry.",
in: "Advice on Mineral Concessions"
- Report by London
Economics to the Council of Ministry,
33 p. (pp. 20; 31-32) |
© Copyright
1996-2013 by the GAIA EXPERT Ltd. The software is
protected by the Copyright Laws of FRANCE and International Copyright Treaties
GeoLariAn™ is comprehensive
mineral project economic evaluation package which calculated
the Net Present Values (NPV's) of project an selected
Discount Cash Flow Rates of Return through pre-feasibility
study, feasibility study and exploitation study.
(C) 1996-2013 GeoLariAn™ v.7.0 Table 1. I N P U T P
A R A M E T E R S An Existing Mine - "Assarel"
Porphyry Copper Gold Deposit, BULGARIA
Mine Life Period - 27 years
Total Tonnage of Ore Reserves
- 318 347 000 tonne
Grade - .359 %
Coefficient of loose of ore
- 4.00 %
Coefficient of dilution of
ore - 4.00 %
Metal Recovery - 84.00 %
Coefficient of extraction
- .00 %
Concentrate Grade - 20.00
% Final Product - Concentrate
Rate of Production - 10 000
000 tonne/year
Mining Expenses - 1.607 $
US per tonne
Processing Expenses - 3.749
$ US per tonne
Administrative Expenses -
3.100 M$ US per year
Royalty - 1.00 % of Revenue
Taxation - 40.16 % of Cash
Construction Time - 5 year(s)
- for the first year - 4.89, M$ US; ... ...
... ... - for the fifth year - 6.77, M$ US;
Market Price - 460.00 $ US/tonne
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
Discount Rate - 10.00 %
Data Manager in interactive regime.
Storing the input primary data into files. Reading editing
and writing from the screen and files.
The package calculates:
(C) 1996-2013 GeoLariAn™ v. 7.0 Table 2. O U T P U T
Investment |
(mining+ process.+ admin.) |
Royalty |
Flow |
of Cash Flow
Cash Flow |
of Discont. Cash Flow |
1 |
63.92 |
.05 |
1.68 |
1.53 |
1.53 |
2 |
63.92 |
-7.57 |
-7.64 |
-6.12 |
.. |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... ... |
... ... |
... ... |
27 |
56.66 |
.64 |
63.92 |
56.83 |
.30 |
-.72 |
Profit = 56.83 M$ US. Net Present Value
= -.72 M$ US. Pay Back Period = 12.66 years. Pay
Back Discounted Period = 27.00 years. Internal Rate
of Return = 9.70 %. Present Value of Revenues = 1725.87
M$ US. Present Value of Costs = 1529.82 M$ US. Present
Value Ratio = 1.13 Profitability Ratio (Discounted
Return on Investment (DROI) = 0.99 (invest 1.00 $, lose
.01 $, i.e., losses .01 $.)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Discounted Cash Flow of Return
on Investment (DROI)
Pay Back Period (PBP)
Pay Back Discounted Period
Government Taxes & Provincial
State Taxes
Net Cash Flow (NCF)
Present Value of Revenues
Present Value of Costs (PVC)
Present Value Ratio (PVR)
Profitability Ratio (Discounted
Return on Investment) etc.
(C) 1996-2013 GeoLariAn™ v. 7.0 Table 3. Government Incomes by
Royalty (Royalty = 1.00 %)
Year |
M$ US |
Incomes, M$ US |
1 |
.639 |
.639 |
2 |
.639 |
1.278 |
3 |
.639 |
.. |
... ... |
... ... |
26 |
.639 |
16.619 |
27 |
.639 |
17.259 |
is appropriate software for projects with simple scenarios
as well as for projects with complex scenarios involving on the stages of Financial Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility studies:
- Cost Price
Escalation -
Complex Royalty Terms - Complex Taxation Terms
- Production
Costs that Vary over Time
Sensitivity analysis realized by
Monte Carlo simulation to analyze
uncertainty was used with four parameters
taking into account: price, metal
tonnage sold, operating cost
and ore tonnage mined. Could
be use up to at
least 10 millions iterations.
Each of these variables can be simulated according to
preliminary known type, belonging to: - Uniform -
Normal -
LogNormal -
b (Beta) -
Exponential -
Triangle statistical distribution as well
as to the special ones, produced by particular investigation.
For each iteration, the Net Present
Value, and Internal Rate
of Return can be reported. The simulation data
were exported in different formats including ASCII.
generates high resolution graphics enhance manipulation
of output results. The graphics could be plotted
on a Laser or Jet printers by attached graphical program
modules written in Quick Basic. Output graphics
can be exported in BMP TIF and other common used graphical
GeoLariAn™ was primarily designed for resource and risk
managers, dealing mainly in Earth Science (Geology,
Ecology, Geophysics), Mining Industry, etc., however
it can be used also in practically spheres of financial
activities connected with investment policy and
risk assessment and uncertainty for investment.
FORTRAN POWER STATION Professional and Quick
NOT Less than 500 MB OPERATING
lease Pentium 233 MHz and compatibles PRICE:
The software package is not more for selling!!!
Also Available:
For contacts: GAIA EXPERT Ltd. - GeoLariAn TM Project Manager FRANCE
Phone:/Fax: (+33 9) Mobile: (+359 877) 219 580
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CGD™ Cosset Gaussian Decomposition Technology
Express Identification of Gold, Precious, Base, and Rare Metals' (including Industrial Minerals) Zones in Borehole Kernel
© Copyright 2011-2013 by the GAIA EXPERT Ltd.
AIMED AT: The CGD™ (Cosset Gaussian Decomposition) technology was developed especially for
Express identification of:
Precisiuos Metals
- Gold;
- Platinum;
- Silver etc.
Base Metals
- Copper;
- Lead & Zinc;
- Manganum etc.
Rare Metals
& Industrial Minerals
by using the fraction's contents, measured through the hyperspectral images.
DEFINITION: Program packages in high level languages for practical application of the CGD™ (Cosset
Gaussian Decomposition) technology.
STATUS QUO: Program modules actively applied in the Express Identification of high Gold, Precious, Base
and Industrial Minerals grade zones using the fraction's contents, measured through the hyperspectral
images of the borehole's kernel.
USERS: Companies, Universities, Research Institutes, Central and Regional Geological Services and Centers
PRICE: The technology and software product are not for selling!
For contacts: GAIA EXPERT Ltd. - CGD™ (Cosset Gaussian Decomposition) Technology Project Manager FRANCE
Phone:/Fax: (+33 9) Mobile: (+359 877) 219 580
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GEO_Log™ version 3.5
© Copyright
1996-2012 by the GAIA EXPERT Ltd. The software is
protected by the Copyright Laws of FRANCE and
International Copyright Treaties
AIMED AT: The packages
are designed for the application of mathematical algorithms
that have proved their efficiency in the field of
standard and nonstandard problems of research and in
the education of students of geology and practicing
packages in high level languages grouped in topics and
functionally organized in interactive system.
STATUS QUO: Hundreds
of program modules actively applied in research by geologists
and mathematicians, some of which have been the
object of their Ph.D. and D.Sc. thesis.
Universities, Research Institutes, Central and Regional
Geological Services and Centers in USA, CANADA,
PRICE: 5999 Euro for
executable code.
Comparison of this product with other
well known products
Our reasons to create this program package
are as follows:
* firstly - our long experience in
using mathematical algorythms for solving modern geological
* on the second place - the great
quantity of program modules we use in our research and
last but not least - our wish to demonstrate the
necessity of quantitative methods application and the
chances this application gives to the large public
of young research workers.
Our guiding
principle is:
"The new paradigm in
geology caused by geology computerization should be
at the large public of young research workers' disposal"
The program package we offer includes
most of the mathematical algorithms successfully used
in geological data processing all over the world.
Moreover, it contains a series of algorithms though
rarely used but undoubtedly efficious, their efficiency
being proved by a number of D.Sc. and Ph.D. theses and
specialized research work; this packet includes
new and most original algorithms - the product of research
projects pointed at solving of specific geological
The chief advantages and originality
of GEO_Log TM consist:
1. It is all-embracing due
to the conception:
"Both the
student and his Professor can find in this package means
of solving his problem"
It includes a great number of mathematical
algorithms largely used in the application of mathematical
methods in geology which may or may appear the way
they are presented here as program tools for PC's.
statistic procedures and tests,
building up of correlation matrices and similar
operations in the processing of presented by
various scales data (Dichotomous
scale, Nominal
scale, Ordinal
scale, Interval
scale, Relation
scale and Angular
full scheme of parametric
and nonparametric and robust statistical procedures
including: - Statistical Distributions and Tests,
including Angular Data; - Spatially Distributed
Data /Analysis of sequences /in the time and in
the space/; - Regression and Trend Surface Analysis;
- Smoothing; - Autocorrelation, Crosscorrelation
and Croosassociation; - Markov's process and
Fourier analysis /double Fourier series/ for testing
of rhythmical sequences in
complex build of sediment formations; - Analysis
of Geological Maps: -
singular and nonsingular distribution of points
in the space and methods of their statistical check
tests and hypothesis; -
methods of drawing maps, trend surfaces and triangulation
Delaune and Woronin's areas; - Multinomial Analysis;
- Analysis of Variance; - Discriminant Analysis;
- Geostatistics and Krige mapping procedures;
- Classification procedures: -
Dendrograms - Hierarchical Cluster Analysis;
- Divisive Cluster Analysis on dichotomous/nominal
data: - Association
Analysis; - Non-Hierarchical cluster analysis:
- K-means cluster analysis; - Factor and Correspondence
Analysis; - Biostratigraphical and Lithostratigraphycal
Correlation; - Tools for Petrologic Diagrams;
- Modeling in Petrology, Sedimentology, Paleontology,
Palaeecology etc.; - 3-D visualization of Data.
2. The program tools are
modern, switch and efficacious
being the realization of the idea:
"I can
understand the algorithm, I can make programs and I
can bring the program tool to perfection for my
specific purposes if needed"
The user could choose between
two variants of the product: - variant one -
with program windows, menus and dialogues; -
variant two - in dialogue or other regime, chosen
to user's wish with any program realizing a
certain algorithm /For this purpose its source is
presented as well./ NB
! - We can offer you variant two /if
user is certain to prefer it/ at extra payment.
3. Reference (Libraries)
The user could have access to mathematical
methods in geology references and other theoretical
problems of mathematical statistics and geology.
The data is grouped in bases, whose structure could
be changed by the user in accordance with his needs
and preferences. He could introduce new sources. He
could use all data at any moment of work by means
of the so called "hot keys".
4. Flexible
The program package is organized
to allow the user to introduce program modules /written
in FORTRAN and C++ code/ in the general menu of
the system. For this purpose the user has concrete instructions
and examples at his disposal.
5. User-friendly
The program packet contains all the
classical examples of application of certain mathematical
algorithms in geology which are published in specialized
books all over the world. We have realized the idea:
"Any algorithm
is accessible for the geologists and he/she could learn
it and apply it correctly to his/her wish"
6. Modern
These characteristics make the product
we offer a unique one and judging from the information
we have, it has't got analogues anywhere in world's
universal presentation of
the problems solved;
the possibility to perfect
and complete the program;
fidelity and security of program
environment - the result of many years work with
mathematical algorithms;
the program environment of
the product is a system, open to the needs of the
the combining of already built
up data bases, tests and demonstration and control
examples of concrete program modules.
The most important difference, being
at the same time an advantage of the product we offer
is that it has been designed completely and only
by scientists working in the field of mathematical methods
in geology as well as scientists working in the
field of software design. This makes the product quite
different and much better than many similar products
designed mainly for commercial purposes.
For contacts: GAIA
EXPERT Ltd. - GEO_Log TM Project
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