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Celebrating our first 20+8=28 years of Successes

Nous célébrons nos Vingt (20) + 8 Ans de Succès






The Services GAIA EXPERT Ltd. provides

Mining Investor's Site - Precious & Base Metals. Precious and Semiprecious Stones. Industrial Minerals etc. ...


The Trade GAIA EXPERT Ltd. provides


The GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group is an independent consultancy consortium owned by the Directors which specializes on Geological Evaluation, Exploration, Mineral Reserves/Resources estimation, including geostatistical and other techniques, Mineral Market Appraising and Value Studies as well as the application and implementation of Informtaion Technologies in all above mentioned areas.

We prepare projects worldwide for companies (quarry and mining), governments, national agencies, and power generation utilities.

We adhere to the Code for Reporting of Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (The Reporting Code), effective October 2001 and JORC (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves) and qualify as a "Competent Person" to sign off Reserves/Resources Estimates and Reports for the Banks and Stock Exchanges worldwide.

Categories of Goods and Services Provided in Mining and Geology

  • Geological Evaluation and Data Management
    - Independent Geological Reporting

    - Data acquisition, data processing and data validation

    - Geochemical data analysis
  • Exploration
    - Expert advice on field sampling techniques and drilling strategies
    Data collection and management
    Monitoring of
    laboratory analyses
    Analysis of geochemical data including probability plotting,
    t-tests, cut-offs, variography analysis, Krige mapping, delineation of anomalous and background populations

    Multivariate data analysis including correlation, regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA), cluster and discriminant analysis, factor analysis and much more using
    Review of geological models for exploration
    Sampling Audit and Resource Audit

    Due Diligence Investigation and Audit 

    Compilation and review of all available data including all archived material. Where necessary data entry of hard copy material
    Map production using
    Mineral potential mapping using GIS 
  • Mineral Reserves/Resources Estimation, Appraising and Verification
    In situ Reserves/Resources estimation using linear and non-linear geostatistics and simulation and other various techniques as inverse distance method etc.
    Project Economic Evaluation, Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility and Bankable Studies Preparation including by the GeoLariAn™
    - Reserves/Resources estimations for various scenarios

    - Value Appraisal of Royalties and Interests

    - Value Appraisal of Mineral Businesses and Loss Valuation
    - Audit of Resources for reporting purposes
    - Review of geological models for Reserves/Resources estimations

    - Advice on Code for Reporting of Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves and JORC (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves) and our Classification of Reserves/Resource for Solid Fuels and Mineral Commodities

    Expert Witness Testimony on Minerals Appraisal
  • Mineral Market Appraising and Value Studies
    - Market Value Appraisal of Mineral Properties

    - Mineral Commodity Market Studies

    - Property Acquisition and Divestiture Review
  • Information Technologies applications and implementations in the Geological Evaluation, Exploration, and Mineral Reserves/Resources Estimation, Appraising and Verification
    Specialist in the use of
    ISATIS™ geostatistical software
    - Specialized computer programming in C++, Fortran, Assembler, Visual Basic etc.
    - Web Design of Geology Prospecting and Exploration activity sites as well as Mining Exploitation sites


Categories of Goods and Services Provided in other branches of Economy

We prepare strategic analyses and prognosis, as well as methodologies and techniques for management of different processes of the economy.

Further to the research activity, practical projects are implemented in the fields of:

  • Restructuring of the Capital of Commercial Companies including Mining Companies

  • Legal Analyses - consultations and assistance before and during the realization of a concrete
    transaction on the Bulgarian Law, the financial and juridical possibilities for investment in BULGARIA, RUSSIA and other East European Countries

  • Set up of Joint Ventures - studies on the possibilities for establishment joint ventures and realization in accordance with the requirements of the particular National Country Law

  • Reselling of Mining Technologies and Mining Equipment in BULGARIA, RUSSIA
    and Central East European Countries

  • Ecology and Environment
       Environmental audits
    - Design and operation
          - Water Projects and Environment
       Environmental Assessment
          - Data analysis of environmental hazards
    Hazard mapping by geostatistical methods using ISATIS™ and SADA™
          - Processing of data similar to exploration above
          - Web Design of Ecology Assessment sites as well as Environmental Protection and Monitoring sites

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Auditing and Apprising of Deposits of Mineral Resources
and Raw Materials and Waters





Preparation of Financial and Economic Analysis for the Concession to “Sveshti  Plaz” Gold deposit

 Committee of Geology and Mineral  Resources, 1996





Preparation of Financial and Economic Analysis for the Concession to “Chala”  Gold deposit

 Committee of Geology and Mineral  Resources, 1996





Preparation of Financial and Economic Analysis for the Concession to “Sarnak”  Gold deposit

 Committee of Geology and Mineral  Resources, 1996





Completion of Analyses for the Concession to the limestone deposits of “Zlatna  Panega” and “Koritna”, agreed upon by the Council of Ministers

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 1997





Preparation methods of Financial and Economic analyses on concessions to Industrial Materials deposits

 Ministry of Transportation, 1997





Preparation of Financial and Economic Analysis for the concession to limestone deposits “Andela”

 Andela Ltd., Bourgas, 1997





Preparation of  analysis for the Concession to “Assarel–Medet” Porphyry Copper-Gold deposit

 Asarel-Medet Ltd., 1997





Actualization and addition to the analyses on “Assarel-Medet” Ltd.

 Ministry of Industry, 1998





Preparation of  Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses  for the concession to the “Devin” mineral springs water deposit

 Ministry of Environment and Waters, 1998





Preparation of  Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the aims of concession to the kaolin group deposits (“Jalty Dol”, “Doirantsi”, “Vetovo”), and “Dubravino” feldspar deposit, and “Srednya” quartz sands deposit, at KAOLIN S.A. in NE Bulgaria

 Ministry of Industry, 1998





Technological consultancy on the EBRD project on the “Concession to the Water-mains and Drainage System” of Sofia

 EBRD, 1998





Preparation of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to the “Mirovo” salt deposit at PROVADSOL (GEOSOL) Ltd., Provadia

 Ministry of Industry, 1999





Preparation of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to the "Chukite" latitoandesite deposit, “Yabalkovo” trahyandesite deposit, and "Dolno Cherkovishte" sands and gravels deposit at PROVADSOL (GEOSOL) Ltd., Provadia

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 1999





Preparation of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to “Liliach” and “Koniavo” limestone deposits of GRANIT Ltd., Kyustendil

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 1999





Participation in the Consultancy team on the project “Concession to Water-mains Ltd. in Shumen and Varna, to the order by ARCADIS Ltd.

 World Bank, 1999-2000





Preparation of auction documentation on the mineral prospecting of ore deposits at the areas of “Rossen”, “Kalugerovo” and “Pesovets” from Panagyurishte Ore Region

 Ministry of Environment and Waters, 2000





Preparation of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to “Boaza” limestone deposit of TERTER Ltd., Razgrad

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 2000





Preparation of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to “Silistra” clay deposits of CERAMIC Ltd., Silistra

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 2000





Preparation of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to “Dionisso” marble deposits of DIONISSOMARBLE Ltd., Vratza

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 2001





Actualization of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to “Boaza” limestone deposits of TERTER Ltd., Razgrad

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 2003





Actualization of Legal, Financial and Economic, Social and Ecological Analyses for the concessions to“Silistra” clay deposits of CERAMIC Ltd., Silistra

 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, 2003




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Accounting Services

For all Economy Branches!!!

    - limited reviews of financial reports
    - treaty obligations procedures on financial information
     - contracts and/or plans check-up on restructuring of the capital of commercial companies

    - current accounting services
    - preparing of annual financial reports according to:
           - Bulgarian Accounting Standards;
           - International Accounting Standards
    - preparing of intermediate financial reports including determination of company's shares, and restructuring of the capital of commercial companies etc.
     - consultations on financial reports preparation
     - consultations on the right choosing of accounting policy

    - preparing of income-tax forms according to the:
         - Value Added Tax Law (
    Закон за Данък Добавена Стойност);
         - Corporative Income Law (
    Закон за Корпоративното Подоходно Облагане);
         - Personal Income Law (
    Закон за Облагане на Доходите на Физически Лица)
     - taxation planing
     - taxation protection - support during financial revisions and appeal against sentence of taxation revision's statements

    Social Security:
    - consultations on social and health security

    Education, Pre-qualification and Personal Recruitment
     - courses on accounting
     - seminars on Bulgarian Accounting Standards
     - seminars on International Accounting Standards
     - personal recruitment for accounting services

For contacts:


  (+359 34) 44 17 38



  (+359 887) 219 580



  For Accounting Services please send an E-mail !!!

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The Company offers broad spectrum of goods and products for Export (Re-Export) and Import as follows:


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   Изследователска и Консултантска Група ГЕЯ ЕКСПЕРТ е независим консултантски консорциум, който специализира във всички аспекти на оценката на запаси и ресурси на полезни изкопаеми и анализ на геоложки и геохимични данни с използването на геостатистически и други методи, както и в областта на сбора, обработката и анализа на данни.

   Ние спазваме и се придържаме към Code for Reporting of Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (The Reporting Code), приет през октомври 2001 и JORC (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves), и сме квалифицирани като “Компетентно Лице” (“Competent Person”) при подписването на оценки на запаси и ресурси за Световните стокови борси.

   Главните дейности на консорциума са свързани с:
      - оценка на
запасите на находища на полезни изкопаеми и минерални суровини;
      - п
роучване на находища на полезни изкопаеми

      - управлението на риска за инвестициите и корпоративните финанси на проучвателните инициативи и добивните предприятия:

  • Оценка на запаси  и ресурси

    - Оценка in situ на запаси и ресурси с използването на линейни и нелинейни геостатистически методи и моделиране, а така също и други техники като метод на обратно притеглените разстояния и др.

    - Изпълнение на Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility and Bankable studies с използването на оригиналния фирмен софтуерен продукт GeoLariAn

    - Оценка на запаси и ресурси при различни геоложки, добивни и технологични модели

    - Оценка на запаси и ресурси на находища с цел икономическа оценка (одит)

    - Експерти в използването на
    софтуерния продукт за геостатистически методи

    - Консултации по Code for Reporting of Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves and JORC (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves), както и по оригинално разработената от нас
    класификация на запаси и ресурси на твърди полезни изкопаеми и минерални горива

    - Специализирано компютърно програмиране на програмните езици
    C++, Fortran, Assembler, Visual Basic

    - Web Design на дейности по търсене и проучване на полезни изкопаеми, както и на добивни предприятия
  • Проучване на находища на полезни изкопаеми
    - Консултации и експертизи по полево опробване и стратегии за сондиране

    - Сбор и обработка на данни

    Мониторинг на
    лабораторни анализи

    - Анализ на геохимични данни, включително с използването на вероятностни методи,
    t-тест, вариографен анализ, построяване на геохимични карти по метода Криге, изчертаване на зони с фонови (кларкови) и аномални съдържания

    - Многомерни анализи, включително корелационен, регресионен, клъстърен, дискриминатен, факторен и много други
    с използването на оригиналния фирмен софтуерен продукт

    - Изготвяне, разработка, прегледи и рецензии на геоложки доклади за търсене и проучване

    - Оценка на геохимичното опробване, изчислените ресурси и Due Diligence Reports

    - Сбор, преглед и рецензиране на всички достъпни архивни материали

    - Направа на геоложки, геохимични, тектонски, хидрогеоложки и др. тип карти с използването на софтуерния продукт

    - Създаване на прогнозни карти с използването на географски информационни системи (ГИС)

Ние също изготвяме стратегически анализи и прогнози, както и методологии и техники за управление на различни процеси в икономиката.

      В допълнение към консултантските и изследователските ни дейности реализираме проекти в практиката на:

  • Разработването на бизнес-интелектуални стратегии
  • Анализа, оценката и управлението на риска и неопределеността за инвестициите
  • Бизнес оценяването
  • Преструктурирането и Капиталовата структура на търговските дружества
  • Правните анализи – консултации и обслужване преди и по време на реализирането на конкретни промени в българското законодателство, финансовите и юридически възможности за инвестиции в България, Русия и останалите източно европейски страни
  • Създаването на Joint Ventures – изучаване на възможностите за образуването им в съответствие с изискванията на законодателството за конкретната страна
  • Продажбата на технологии и екипировка за минно-добивната индустрия България, Русия и останалите източно европейски страни
  • Екологията и опазването на околната среда
    Оценката на въздействието върху околната среда
    - Изготвяне на доклади по ОВОС
       - Изготвяне на проекти по водите и водните басейни
    Оценката на качеството на околната среда
    - Анализа на данни и оценката на екологичния риск при добива на минерални суровини
       - Построяването на карти на риска на замърсени територии
    с използването и на  геостатистически методи - софтуерни продукти ISATIS™ и SADA™
       - Изработката и Web дизайн на специализирани екологични сайтове, както и на сайтове на защитени територии и територии под екологичен мониторинг.

Счетоводни услуги

За нефинансови предприятия от всички отрасли на икономиката!!!

    Одиторски услуги:
    - ограничен преглед на финансови отчети
     - договорени процедури относно финансова информация
    - проверка на договори и/или планове за преобразуване на дружества

    Счетоводни услуги:
    - текущо водене на счетоводство
    - изготвяне на годишни финансови отчети съгласно:
           - Националните счетоводни стандарти;
           - Международните счетоводни стандарти
    - изготвяне на междинни финансови отчети, в т. ч. относно определяне на дружествени дялове, преобразуване и др.
     - консултации по изготвянето на финансови отчети
     - консултации по избора на счетоводна политика

    Данъчно облагане:
    - изготвяне на данъчни декларации съгласно:
    ЗДДС (Закон за Данък Добавена Стойност);
         - ЗКПО (
    Закон за Корпоративното Подоходно Облагане);
    ЗОДФЛ (Закон за Облагане на Доходите на Физически Лица);
    - данъчно планиране;
    - данъчна защита - съдействие по време на данъчни ревизии и обжалване на данъчни ревизионни актове

    Социално осигуряване:
    консултации по социално и здравно осигуряване

    Обучение, преквалификация и подбор на персонал
    курсове по счетоводство
     - семинари по Националните счетоводни стандарти
    семинари по Международните счетоводни стандарти
     - подбор на персонал за счетоводни услуги

За контакти: тел.:/факс: 034 44 17 38; Mobile: 0887 219 580; E-mail: За счетоводни услуги, моля изпратете E-mail !!!

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Services et produits proposés dans la Géologie et l'Industrie Minière

Celebrating our first 20+8=28 years of Successes

Nous célébrons nos Vingt (20+8=28) Ans de Succès

1) Types d'interventions

GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group est un consortium international et indépendant de consulting possédé par des Directeurs spécialisés dans l'évaluation et l'étude géologique et minéralogique, le marketing et les études des réserves valorisables, les estimations et les rapports relatifs aux Banques, appliquant les méthodes de la géostatistique ainsi que autres techniques d'études.

2) Nos Missions

On travaille conformément au Code for Reporting of Mineral Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (The Reporting Code), effective Octobre 2001 et JORC (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves).

3) Services

Liste des services proposé propre au secteur minier et la géologie

Etudes géologiques traitement et analyse de données

Rapports géologiques indépendants

Acquisition, traitement et validation des données

Etude des données géochimiques

Etude des ressources naturelles

Consultations de technique d’échantillonnage et détermination d’une stratégie de sondage

Analyse de données géochimiques, histogrammes, t-test, analyse varyographique, conception des cartes géologiques en utilisant la méthode de Krige.

Analyse multi varié des donnes utilisant des techniques statistiques comme la corelation, regression, lanalyse de la varience (ANOVA), analyse discriminant, analyse factorielle et beaucoup dautres grâce à GEO_Log

Conception des méthodes d'exploitation

Conseils et assistance techniques, juridiques et administratives

Conception de cartes, emploie de logiciel MapInfo™

Conception de cartes des ressources minéraux

Estimation des réserves valorisables, optimalisation et faisabilité économique des projets, valorisation des produits et concentration minéralogique. Utilisation de géostatistique linéaire et non linéaire et simulation, la methode de la distance inverse

Détermination des commissions et taxes dune concession

Estimation des réserves valorisables, étude des pertes et des risques

Etudes des réserves valorisables lors de la élaboration des compte rendus

Vérification des modèles géologiques lors de l’estimation des ressources minérales

Consultations lors de l’élaboration de compte rendus  lors de l’estimation des ressources minérales JORC (the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves) utilisation de notre classification originelle Reserves/Ressources – Hydrocarbures liquides et Réserves valorisables

Avis juridique et expertise des gisements minérales

Marketing et études des réserves valorisables

Application logiciel géostatistique ISATIS™ 

Application familier de programmation avec les logiciels C++, Fortran, Assembler, Visual Basic et d’autres

Web Design de prospectus géologiques

For contacts:


  (+33 9)



  (+33 6)



  For Services in Mining and Geology please send an E-mail !!!



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International Consultants on Applied Anthropology

Anthropologie Appliquée

Celebrating our first 20+3=23 years of Successes

Nous célébrons nos Vingt (20+3=23) Ans de Succès

Les services de Gaia Expert Research & Consulting Group s'adressent à des entreprises et à des organismes de tout type, dans des domaines internationaux, européens, nationaux ou locaux.

  • Récolte et analyse qualitative et quantitative de données

  • Evaluation de projets et d'nterventions

  • Organisation de congrès,  ateliers,  séminaires,  conférences

  • Identifier et mobiliser des réseaux d’acteurs

  • Recherche de clients et partenaires à létranger

  • Observation participante, enquêtes de terrain, investigations comparatives, réflexions conceptuelles

Le groupe propose ses services dans le secteur du développement local et régional : développement social local, champ de l’économie sociale et solidaire.

Gaia Expert Research & Consulting Group collabore avec des organismes privés et publics, des acteurs publics locaux ou territoriaux (Collectivités territoriales, services de l'Etat), aux acteurs économiques (entreprises) et au milieu associatif dont la coopération permet de concevoir des projets de développement territorial.

Conception, exécution et évaluation de projets de développement social, économique et culturel au niveau régional et local ;

Aide à l’élaboration d’une stratégie d’action plus efficace pour la réalisation d’une politique sociale et culturelle ;

Analyse territoriale approfondie et compréhension des entreprises, des administrations, des institutions locales, s’intéressant à l’action collective et aux dynamiques territoriales ;

Collecte de données pour des programmes publics afin de tenir compte des variables sociales, économiques et éducationnelles ;

Mise en relief préalable de la réalité sociale avant la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie politique sociale ;

Evaluation de la valeur d’un projet social ou les résultats d’une action sociale ;

Evaluation des besoins en formations des agents en compétences nouvelles suscités par la mise en place des politiques et des programmes de développement dans le pays .

Le « développement » peut être considéré comme un objet d’étude et d’analyse de l’anthropologie, ainsi il doit être appréhendé dans le contexte complexe pluridimensionnel dans lequel il s’opère.
Les approches de type macro-économiquesne permettent pas d’appréhender les situations vécues par les différents acteurs sociaux et les stratégies qu’elles induisent. Cependant, l’approche méthodologique propre à la socio-anthropologie, orientée vers les acteurs sociaux et leurs interactions, serait apte à mettre en lumière les logiques sous-jacentes des institutions, de leurs agents et des bénéficières. La méthode de recherche et d’analyse est basée sur une approche transversale et pluridisciplinaire prenant compte des contextes spécifiques dans lesquels s’opèrent les projets.

For contacts:


  (+33 9)



  (+33 6)



  For Services in Applied Anthropology please send an E-mail !!!



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