GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group

European Union

European Community

This page was created to show the current situation about the Cohession and Structural, and other Funds acquiring, and to encourage the activities in this direction, as well as to show the

Structural Funds and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2012

Last Edition:

February 26, 2009

GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group

Pre-Accession Funds Programs BULGARIA
January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2010

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experience in the projects management and project preparing of these programs.

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development










Research & Consulting Group

Service consulaire


European Community

GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group
propose des services dans les domaines suivants :


  • Traitement complexe de documents relatifs aux Fonds Structurels Européens ;
  • Gestion et mise en œuvre de projets de développement des régions agricoles, inclus sous le projet LEADER (Liaison Entre Actions de Développment de l'Economie Rurale) ;
  • Planification de développement économique local, départemental et régional ;
  • Stratégies de planification des investissements ainsi queétudes du risque des investissements ;
  • Développement intellectuel de businesse stratégies et analyses financières de :
    • Petites et moyennes entreprises ainsi que d’entreprisesdu bâtiment ;
    • Communes et mairies, régions ;
    • Agriculteurs et producteurs privés ;
    • NGO et autres

    Elaboration et gestion de projets des fonds européens :

  • Elaboration et proposition de projets, documentation et comptes rendues ;
  • Possibilités de financement de projets par des banques et autres institutions de crédit ;
  • Consulting quand à la conduite des projets et élaborationde documents de compte rendues à la mise en œuvre des projets ;
  • Recherche et mise en relation avec des partenaires locaux et étrangés ressortissants des autres pays membres de l’UE ;
  • Organisation et réalisation de séminaires avec des formations sur la création de projets et la conduite de projets des fonds européens de l’UE.

    Regarde ausi

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Research & Consulting Group

Consulting Services



European Community

GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group
offers consulting services on:





Изследователска и Консултантска Група

Консултантски услуги


European Community

Изследователска и Консултантска Група ГЕЯ ЕКСПЕРТ
предлага консултантски услуги по:


  • Европейски структурни фондове - оперативни програми;
  • Програма за Развитие на Селските Райони, вкл. по ос 4. ЛИДЕР;
  • Планиране на местното икономическо развитие на области и общини;
  • Инвестиционно проектиране и оценка на риска за инвестициите;
  • Разработване на интелектуални бизнес стратегии и финансови анализи на:
    • Малки и средни, включително и строителни предприятия;
    • Областни управи, Общини и кметства на населени места;
    • Фермери и частни земеделски производители;
    • НПО и др.

   Изработва проектни предложения и управлява проекти по европейските фондове:

  • Изработване на проектни предложения, документация и отчети;
  • Възможности за финансиране на проекти, включително мостово и от банкови и кредитни институции;
  • Консултиране по управление на проекти и изготвяне на отчетни документи при изпълнението на проекти;
  • Намиране на партньори от страната и останалите страни членкина ЕС;
  • Организира и провежда национални семинари, включително с обучение по изготвяне на проекти и управлението на проекти по Структурните Фондове на ЕС.

    Вж. също


12-13 март 2009 г.
“Усвояване на средствата по Структурните Фондове и Програмата за Развитие на Селските Райони на ЕС
? Практически насоки и действия”

Средствата по фондовете на ЕС за 2008 г. са налице!
Как да не пропуснем усвояването им
и през тази година!?
Какво да правим!

2 дневен семинар  7 и 8 февруари 2008 г.



GAIA EXPERT Research & Consulting Group
Local Economic Development Planning Experience

Планиране на Местното Икономическо Развитие на:

Local Economic Development Planning of:

Община БАТАК

  Municipality of BATAK


  Municipality of BRACIGOVO


  Municipality of LESICHOVO


  District Region of PAZARDJIK


  Municipality of SEPTEMVRI


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International Trade Center  UNCTAD/WTO at the UN
International Trade Centre

European Specialist Exchange for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)


“Bulgarian Eco Tourism Development 2004”
Phare BG 0202.02 Project
deadline September 13, 2004

More details about this project: here

Contact us for this project's partnership?

Project Preparation!
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(+359 877) 219 580

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(+359 34) 950 031
(+359 34) 44 17 38

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0877 219 580

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GAIA EXPERT Research and Consulting Group
Structural and other Funds Experience

2007 - Structural Funds Training Seminars


Name of the training course

Number of participants

Jan. 18-19

How to Prepare Ourselves to Acquire the EC Structural Fund’s Resources. Practical Guidelines and Action’s Steps’

> 60

Feb. 16

Structural and Cohesions EC and International Funds Projects Preparing

> 40

Feb. 22-23

Practical Guidelines and Actions Steps of the Municipalities and Farmers for European Agricultural Funds Acquiring

> 40

1999 - Structural programme projects

Special Preparatory Programme for Structural Funds in Bulgaria -
Institutional Building Component
(EU-PHARE BG9810-01)

In collaboration with Halcrow Rural Management Ltd.

1. Background
One of the main priorities of the Bulgarian government is the accession of the country to the European Union. In accordance with the Commission's opinion on Bulgaria's Application for Membership of the European Union concerning the field of the Structural funds, Bulgaria has to improve its inter-institutional co-ordination, to create institutional structures necessary for the adoption of the Acquis, as well as to increase the administrative capacity in Structural funds implementation and management. In compliance with the governmental priority and the Commission's recommendation, a National Accession Strategy and a Programme for implementation of it, and a National Programme for Adoption of Acquis Communautaire have been approved at the beginning of the year 1998.

In order to help the candidate countries (including Bulgaria) to accept the Acquis Communautaire, the Commission has proposed the introduction of pre-structural financial instruments. The proposal was accepted by the European Council and three financial instruments will be available to Bulgaria from 2000 onwards till 2006 (or date of accession, if prior to 2006).

Q Phare overall objectives have been re-oriented to ensure that Phare better serves the EU enlargement objectives. Phare will be orientated towards adoption of appropriate acquis Communautaire by the promotion of institution building. It is anticipated that Phare will move towards a structural funds type programming system based on a national development plan, but the details of this are as yet unclear.

Q ISPA (Instrument for structural policies fof pre-accession) is mainly oriented to transport and environment fields and is structured similarly to the Cohesion Fund in Objective 1 regions. ISPA actions (according to the draft regulations) should be related to strategies for each of transport and environment.

Q SAPARD (Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development) which is structured similarly to EAGGF. The SAPARD draft regulation requires a Rural Development Plan.

In that context, the increased Communities financing and the required Bulgarian public co-financing suggest that Bulgaria has to adapt its programming, implementing, monitoring, audit and evaluation capacity to be ready in time to implement efficiently the two pre-structural instruments from year 2000 onwards.

1.2. Institutional Framework
The Special Preparatory Programme development requires a broad inter-institutional co­ordination and collaboration of a number of Ministries. The leading institution in terms of SPP implementation will be the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW). The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Agrarian Reform will be responsible for SAPARD component implementation.

The regional policy framework of the Republic of Bulgaria has been established by the Regional Development Act which came into force in March 1999. The Act settles the regional development management, co-ordination and financing approach. The finance resources mechanism includes also the coordination of extra-budgetary state funds and municipality funds. The Act will be the legal basis for elaboration, adoption, implementation, evaluation, control and monitoring of a National Regional Development Plan- the background for carrying out a purposeful regional and specific areas development policy in compliance with national priorities and requirements for EU membership. The Act envisages the creation of the following new components within the existing institutional structure:

Q the Council on Regional Development at the Council of Ministers as a consultative and inter-sectorial policy body;

Regional Development Councils promoting sustainable and balanced social-economic development and regional cohesion and being attached to the offices of regional governors;

The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works is authorised to implement the Act. The current activity of the ministry and the planned one through the regional development act and the Draft on spatial planning and construction act is in consideration of the EU Structural Funds objectives and outlines the complex functions of the ministry itself in terms of regional development as well as its coordinating capacity for carrying out integrated sectorial policies with a regional impact. The above mentioned activities are an adequate prerequisite for the development of the Special Preparatory Programme for Bulgaria - project Institutional building with a coordinating institution at the MRDPW.

In order to implement the SPP, the following structures have been established:

Q a Central Coordination Unit (CCU) situated in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works with a permanent secretariat there;

Q an ISPA Task Force also situated within the MRDPW, and attached to the CBC PMU already existing there;

Q a SAPARD Task Force, situated in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Agrarian Reform

Q a Steering Programming and Monitoring Committee (SPMC) composed of representatives of the central unit, the task forces and representatives of the European Commission and set in the MRDPW.

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GAIA EXPERT Ltd. Pre-Accession Funds Programs Experience

2001 PHARE programme projects

Steel and Mining Areas Employment Projects (EU-PHARE SMAEP - BG9915.01)

Location - in the regions of Bourgas, Pernik, Sofia and the Rhodopi’s.
Beneficiaries - redundant and unemployed persons from the mining and steel industries and their families, as well as those from the ancillary industries.
Size of the Grant Scheme - the total size of the Grant Scheme is Euro 10,000,000 (approx. 20,986,304 Leva). The larges amount available to a project is Euro 300,000 (approx. 585,120 Leva) and smallest is Euro 10,000 (approx. 19,504 Leva).
The grant awarded by the EU not exceed 90% of the total eligible project costs.

List of the Projects Developed and Deposed in the PHARE  Steel and Mining Areas Employment Projects (SMAEP - BG 9915.01

Pernik Region

  1. Project: “Renovation and Reconstruction of the “Buchalo Park”
    Location: - in the city of Radomir
Total project amount: - 110 937 Euro
    Results: -
Approved and realised

  2. Project: Renovation and Reconstruction of the Green Pedestrian Area “Liuliakova”
    Location: - in the city of Radomir
Total project amount: - 145 519 Euro
    Results: - Not approved

Rodopi Region

  3. Project: “Renovation and Reconstruction of the former dung-hill of waste materials at the Ardino Municipality”
    Location: - in the city of Ardinor
    Total project amount: - 25 500 Euro
    Results: - Not approved

  4. Project: Reconstruction of Building for the Aims of Center for Entrepreneurs Activities, and Adaptation, and Professional Training of Unemployed Workers"
    Location: - in the city of Chirpan
    Total project amount: - 97 349 Euro
- Approved and realised

  5. Project: Renovation and Replacing of the Cancerogenity Pipelines for Fresh Water at the Rakovski Destrict of the town of Dimitrovgrad
    Location: - in the city of Dimitrovgrad
    Total project amount: - 275 989 Euro
    Results: Not approved

  6. Project: "Requalification and encouraging of the entrepreneur’s activity in mountain’s agriculture at the municipality of Rakitovo
    Location: - in the city of Rakitovo
    Total project amount: - 91 930 Euro
- Approved and realised

  7. Project: Construction of Main Wastewater Sewage Pipeline of the Bukovo village – Madan Municipality
    Location: - in the village of Bukovo - Madan Municipality
    Total project amount: - 140100 Euro
- Approved on a 3-rd place between more than 130 projects and realised

  8. Project: Destruction of the Lead and Zinc Dressing Plant in the downtown of  the city of Madan
    Location: - in the city of Madan
    Total project amount: - 168 490 Euro
- Approved on a 3-rd place in the replacement list

  9. Project: Construction of Protection Drainage Channel System at the Varbica river basin in the city of Zlatograd
    Location: - in the city of Zlatograd
    Total project amount: - 292 428 Euro
    Results: Not approved

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European Commission Links


Pre-accession Funds Programs':

Other Sources


16 юли 2004

PHARE BG0202.02 "Развитие на българския екотуризъм"

Програмата цели осигуряване на устойчив растеж в туристическия отрасъл чрез подпомагане на проекти, насочени към подобряване на държавна и общинска еко-туристическа инфраструктура. Общата сума на схемата възлиза на 4.9 млн. евро, като индивидуалната сума за финансиране е от 50,000 до 250,000 евро. Кандидати могат да бъдат общини, в  партньорство с други общини или неправителствени организации. За проекти, свързани със защитени територии (Национални и Природни паркове), е необходимо участието на съответните паркови дирекции, а за проекти, свързани с държавна собственост - на съответната областна администрация.

Крайният срок за набиране на проектни предложения е:
13 септември 2004 г. до16.00 часа в Министерство на икономиката, ул. "Славянска" № 8, дирекция "Предприсъединителни програми и проекти".

Документите за кандидатстване:

June 14, 2004

Provision of Services for the Implementation of Sectoral Pilot Projects for the “Multi-Beneficiary Statistical Co-operation Programme 2003”
CRIS 2003/005-623
LocationPhare beneficiary countries
1. Publication reference
2. Procedure - Restricted
3. Programme - Phare
4. Financing
B7-030 Phare Multi-beneficiary programme for statistics 2003
5. Contracting Authority
European Commission, Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT), on behalf of the beneficiary countries
Batiment Jean Monnet
Rue Alcide de Gasperich
L-2920 Luxembourg
Phone : +352 4301 33589
Fax : +352 4301 32139

February 25, 2004

The PHARE Small Projects Programme close today February 25, 2004 it "Question's action". Questions may be sent by e-mail or by fax no later than 21 days before the deadline for the receipt of proposals,( i.e. February 25, 2004), to the address listed below, indicating clearly the reference of the call for proposals:

E-mail address:

Fax: +

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